๐Ÿ…3. Founder's Badges

To reward those who believe in the gameโ€™s vision and the teamโ€™s efforts, NFT badges will provide exclusive perks and benefits in-game as well as a revenue share from income of Tics secondary market trades on game launch.

Other in-game benefits includes - but not limited to - extra Tic slots, extra equipment slots and a lot of other features, one of the teamโ€™s favorite perk is the exclusive Tic that will only be available to first badge buyers, said Tic will not be obtainable in-game.

Founder's Badges comes in 3 tiers and price points, Here are some of the perks of minting a Founder's Badge

+ On top of all that Founder's Badges holders will also get expanded Tics and inventory slots, bonus in-game currencies, bonus hunt (staking) rewards and much more!

Disclaimer: Safrootics is a free to play game, players are not required to have any initial investments to enjoy the game, Founder's Badges are only meant to help raise funds for the game's development and give access to the community and OG Safrootizens to be a real part of Safrootics and reward them accordingly.

Last updated